“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”
J. Krishnamurti

이렇게 ‘감정적으로’ 행복한 것들도 있지만, ‘이성적으로’ 인식하는 행복한 상황도 있을 겁니다. 어떠한 상황에서 행복을 느끼려면 여러분 스스로가 어떨 때 행복한지 먼저 정의를 내려보고, 그러한 상황과 상태에 여러분을 놓을 수 있도록 부단히 노력하셔야 합니다

누구에게는 취업 걱정, 노후 걱정 없는 공무원의 삶일 수 있고, 다른 누군가에게는 포브스에 나오는 전 세계 몇 대 부자들처럼 돈을 많이 버는 것일 수 있습니다. 명예와 권세를 누려야 행복한 사람은 당연히 명예와 권세를 좇아야겠지요. 문제는, 자신이 정의한 것이 아닌, 남이 만들어 놓은 ‘목표’와 ‘꿈’을 무작정 따르고, 그래서 결국은 좌절하고 불행하게 되는 경우가 아닐까요? 절대 그러지 마세요. 그것은 여러분의 리듬, 여러분의 스웩이 아닙니다.

사회에 나가면서 여러분이 깊은 고민 끝에 선택한 길이 무엇이든, 앞으로의 여정에는 무수한 부조리와 몰상식이 존재할 겁니다. 이런 부조리와 몰상식이 행복을 좇는 여러분의 노력에 악영향을 미친다면, 여러분은 어떻게 할 건가요?

‘분노의 화신’ 방시혁처럼, 여러분도 분노하고, 맞서 싸우길 당부합니다. 그래야 문제가 해결됩니다. 그래야 이 사회가 변화합니다. 모든 것은 여러분 스스로에게 달려있음을 기억해주셨으면 합니다. 소소한 일상의 싸움꾼이 돼 보는 것도, 나쁘지 않을 겁니다.
- 방시혁 대표 서울대학교 졸업식 축사 중에서 발췌

Miss Sloane (2016)


Lobbying is about foresight. About anticipating your opponent’s moves and devising countermeasures. The winner plots one step ahead of the opposition, and plays her trump card just after they play theirs. It’s about making sure you surprise them, and they don’t surprise you.

Posner’s eyes narrow. He’s heard this spiel before, right at the start of the hearings.


I anticipated that if I got sufficiently close with HeatonHarris, there may be an assault against me personally to stall our momentum and tarnish our credibility.

Jane turns to Dupont again.


Actually, it is.

She hands him an envelope.


My resignation. (she stands) Academia’s more my scene.

Jane pivots and exits. Dupont regards the envelope like it contains test results for Anthrax poisoning.


Ms. Sloane, I think it’s about time


Before I left Cole, Kravitz, and Waterman, I retained an operative of mine in their ranks.

This sends the media into a FRENZY. Dupont’s eyes WIDEN. He looks back after Jane. His ass is on fire.

Hope for the flowers

She just knew climbing was a wrong way to get high. 

"How does one become a butterfly?" she asked pensively.

"You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar."  

"Imagine, I didn't even know I could do this. That's some encouragement that I'm on the right track. If I have inside me the stuff to make cocoons - maybe the stuff of butterflies is there too."



or the beginning

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,”

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭3:20‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Passion gets you a lot further

"I always thought my moment was just around the corner."

During this time he was rejected by all the major labels, sometimes more than once, Legend told UPenn students in 2014. "I played for all the giants of the business — Clive Davis, L.A. Reid, Jimmy Iovine, you name it. And all of them turned me down."


“It's much cooler to be detached and apathetic, right? We all like a little snark and cynicism and irony, especially from our favorite artists and comedians and writers. I get it," Legend said at UPenn. "But that cool detachment only gets you so far. Passion gets you a lot further. It makes you a better entrepreneur, a better leader, a better philanthropist, a better friend, a better lover."